Happy Turkey Day everybuddy! First off, a cute picture of cute us

Secondly, we gots to give a HUGE thank you to the the wise and wonderful
Wilma for this award she gave us 8734 days ago, Mom's just lazy, not unappreciative!

Now we gots to tell 7 things you may not know 'bout us
1. We bark at cars and people that go by our house when we are inside, but don't when we are outside
2. Ying always has to go pee wherever Yang peed, and she lifts her leg whilesquatting!?!
3.We stay in bed with Mom till she gets up, Dad's always up earlier, just means more room in the bed for us BOL
4.Yang will chase dogs (even big ones) away from out yard, but if we see one while walking, she acts all scared, jumping on Mom and crying
5.Ying is a big flirt
6.We loooove carrots
7.We know how to smile on command, Mom's still trying to get a picture of that one
Next we pass the award on to 15 other bloggers. Everyone's probably already got it, but here's a few that may not. If anyone else hasn't gots it yet...PLEASE take it, we love EVERYONE!
Jean and her pack and
9 Dogs Howling...check them out, we think they need more followers
Dog-Foster Mom... we love her, she helps soooo many doggies and kitties
Kissa-bull... we wanna be pibbles when we grow up BOL!
And now a short clip of us playing with the much abused "kick-it". You might wanna turn your volume down, the grass-mangler was running, although you can still hear us crabbing at each other!
Have a great Thanksgiving to our fellow canadi-dogs, and happy weekend to everybuddy else!
Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang