Hello friends, Mom's been slacking in the blogging department obviously, she blames her lack of creativity, but we think she's just lazy and we've been so busy reading everyone else's to tell her so BOL
About a week ago the parents loaded us all in the car for a ride. Dad drove. And drove. And drove some more. Then we realized the 78 hour drive was to The Vet! That was ok, we love Dr. Pat and the ladies in his office. All of us got checked over. Rebel had all his lumps and bumps checked, got his leg shaved (he had a small owwie there), toe nails trimmed(he won't let Mom do them like we do), and got some chewy pills for his arthritis. Yang got a little bit of tooth scraping. her tummy prodded ( she's had a bit of tummy problems lately) and shots. Ying had her teeth scraped a bit, the indignity of having her anal glands checked ( she did NOT like that) shots,and was told that she is too chunky! Holy furballs, doesn't he know she's big-boned, that she's not fat, just voluptuous? sigh Okay, so maybe we all could stand to lose a little of our "insulation".
This was the motivation Mom needed to get off her butt and walk us more, so yay for us, we love walkies even if we're huffin and puffing at the end BOL Here's hoping we'll be lean, mean, cuddly machines in the near future.
We just found out about this neat Pet blogger hop from Life with Dogs' blog and are trying to participate if Mom figures it all out. It sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to get new bloggy friends, check it out.

Happy Mom Day to everyone, give yours a big wet kiss and have a Furtastic Weekend!
Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang