We've had a pretty lazy day today, actually a pretty lazy week, that Mom of ours says she's been tired and blah blah blah, what-ever! Today we did get to spend some time outside, but no pictures
"Hey Yang, ya think we should maybe start looking for a new and improved Mom?"
"Yes Ying, I'll advertise for one at the telephone pole if we ever get out of the house again"BOL
First off, we wanna say we're super excited to be collecting followers, we've been reading up on all your blogs(or rather Mom reads them for us, guess she might be good for something, after all) and we are so happy to making furiends!
Here's a picture of these treats Mom bought a few weeks ago, she had a coupon so she got them-if it's a deal she'd buy elephant toenails, SRSLY. Anyway we really liked them, big surprise there, but Mom read the ingredients and she is really wondering....Why the heck would they put SUGAR in dog treats??? Sugar is bad for people, isn't it bad for dogs, too?

So she's asking if anyone out there has a good, easy recipe for dog cookies? She has made them before and we did like them.....again, big surprise....but they were just a stiff dough that had to bake forever and were pretty hard when done. She seen recipes with peanut butter, but then we seen something saying peanuts are bad for dogs, same thing with garlic and Mom used to feed the ones that came before garlic cuz it was supposed to keep fleas away.
Mom is easily....er, highly....confused, she wants us to be healthy and live for like 93 years, but wants us to have some variety. Big kisses for any recipes!
Mom's parents came over for Mom's birthday a few weeks ago and they brought Elvis the pug with them, we haven't seen him much before, so it was kinda chaotic. Ying loved him, she loves everyone.

Yang egged on Rebel so he'd just sit there and bark at him the whole time, and then she sat at Reb's feet and looked pleased with herself, but wouldn't go near Elvis, but Mom made her sit for one picture.
Reb was soooo tired from all that barking, he crashed like this!

Hope everyone has a furtastic weekend!
Grins and Kisses
Ying and Yang