Friday, July 23, 2010

Hope you have a snicker

This is for all our puggy type friends, in sympathy for all the goofy, embarrassing things your pawrents do to you. And it's for anyone who needs a giggle today. We hope everyone has a fun, relaxing weekend!

Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Rose by any other name...would confuse the florist

Hi, it's US! Two posts in 3 days, Mom must be inspired of somethin!! We bugged her to play the name game that Frankie Furter started for the 4th and she gave in. If you don't know, the game is to just tell the story of how you got your name, we think it's a great way to learn more about everyone out there. But first a picture of us from when we was teeny and Rebel was...well, BIG! BOL

First our big brother, Rebel. When Mom and Dad brought him home from their vet's (Dr.Pat is also the boarding facility for the local SPCA, but Rebel was just sorta abandoned there and Dr. Pat was trying to find him a home)his name was Rex. Mom and Dad didn't really like it and he didn't seem to respond to it very well either, but Mom and Dad wanted him to have an "R" name cuz the 2 rottys they had then were Rowdy and Roxxy. Kinda corny but whatever. So they ran thru all the "R" names they could think of and ended up on Rebel, it suited him, he was rather rough and ready as the peoples say.

Now us, we spent the first few weeks after we came home with Mom and Dad calling us "Puppy, Puppy" and get this..."The Ratbags" BOL! Mom wanted us to have some sorta matching names, she can't really remember all the options they went thru, except Roxy for Ying and Moxy for Yang, but on second thought she thought that may make her kinda sad cuz the rotty Roxxy had gone to The Bridge not too long before. Just when it was starting to get worrisome , Dad says to Mom, "Hey, I know, how about Ying and Yang?" and Mom knew right away who was who!
Of course we have lotsa nicknames, and we sometimes still get called "the Ratbags" but we think it don't matter what we're called as long as the ones calling love us no matter what!

Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang

Friday, July 2, 2010

Trapped in the sunshine

Help! We're trapped behind this eco-friendly, recycled plastic fence thing....and they don't feed us EVER either...BOL.. ok, the no food thing is obviously a lie as you can tell by our voluptuous figures and the fence that huMom and Dad put up is to keep us safe from the street and so we can spend more time outside without them worrying so much and boy have we been enjoying the Bee-U-Tiful weather! What else is new, you may ask, since our assistant(Mom) hasn't been helping us blog much lately?

This is our brofur Elvis, (we think his name is really "Don't chase the Kitty"), he likes the sunshine too. He seems to like the mint by the stairs, so Mom rubbed some on him the other day, and then he smelled like a stick of gum...shoulda chewed on him a bit to see...BOL

Our Big BroFur Rebel had a nasty looking owwie on his leg a few weeks ago, here's a picture of him looking all sad and pathetic, he had to wear the cone of shame for a while too, but Mom didn't embarrass him by taking a picture of that.

He's feeling muches better now, and is back to enjoying his daily rolls on the lawn.

This is what Mom and Dad have been up to on the days we make them stay home with us, other than the dreaded fence, we have Sunflowers,

the raspberry bushes and getting....bushier,

tomatoes, peppers, cukes, rhubarb, strawberries, basil, oregano, chocolate mint, and a buncha other green things.
And now the cute pictures of Us

Since this is a long weekend for Mom she said we'll join the hop, cuz we should have some time to look at some new blogs, won't you hop along too??

Hope everyone has a Happy July 1st, 4th weekend!
Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang